stan livedeath '...thank god i never went to bethell lol...'
Me too. Thank God I never went to Bethel either.
Thank God.
there were other people who either killed themselves or tried to kill themselves while they were at "the house of god.
one person who did kill himself was richard wheelock, press room overseer ......he jumped out of a window at the watchtower farm one day.
it seemed, he was never quite the same after his wife "willy" died.
stan livedeath '...thank god i never went to bethell lol...'
Me too. Thank God I never went to Bethel either.
Thank God.
i've noticed that each wt lesson really only has one or two points they want remembered.
normally they build up to these by about the third subheading.
this week's lesson though was different, the main point was insidiously made through an experience in the first paragraph:.
OFS ... w88 3/15 p. 15 pars. 21-22 Trust in Jehovah Leads to Dedication and Baptism ***
Why, attending the Pioneer Service School in the Bahamas recently was a ten-year-old baptized girl, the daughter of two full-time ministers!
or rather
WHY, attending the Pioneer Service School in the Bahamas recently was a ten-year-old baptized girl, the daughter of two full-time ministers??????????????
sorry if this has been discussed before.... for a few days now, this question has been going through my mind.
what was the date the governing body took the sole role of the faithful and discreet slave and how close was it to the end of the mayan calendar in december of 2012?
i looked it up on and sure enough, checkout the date on this article:.
In 1965 the city of New York started putting fluoride in the drinking water. Mildly crazy statements started appearing in the WT publications with greater emphasis on 1975 and Armageddon. Since then the WT has made crazier statements culminating in the supremely crazy overlapping generations, 7 knuckleheads are the only channel between God and man [except for a brief moment during the ARC] etc etc etc.
Fluoride accumulates.
Don't tell me that's just a coincidence.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
cofty '...It is impossible for this to happen by chance - really, really impossible. Therefore evolution is true...'
Now that your so sure something is impossible, even really, really impossible, is there anything that you are so sure is possible, even really, really possible? Oh yeah right, evolution.
Teacher to his class, " I want you all to know that there is nothing that is absolutely certain." Student puts up his hand. " Yes Bobby " says teach. Bobby asks, " Are you sure of that?" Teacher replies, " Absolutely".
for a future project i'm searching for remarkable quotes of current and former gb members.. i've two personal, validated quotes:.
"sprechen sie deutsch?
" "ah, ein bisschen!
GB blockhead Lett:
'There is more evidence confirming the existence of the Kingdom than the evidence that would convince us that there is gravity, electricity and wind!Gravity and electricity, yes, everyone knows that, but wind? I don't think so!
i wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
'... I'm really trying to figure out if people on this forum are gullible or just polite...'
i wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
'...One of the older sisters even confessed that she was starting to feel regrets and was having nightmares that perhaps she made a big mistake when she was a young girl. She divorced her husband in 1976 because she felt he was an apostate for saying the Watchtower organization was a group of false prophets because the end didn’t come in 1975. She never found a brother who was interested in marriage and remained single the rest of her life. Her ex-husband went on to get married, have children, and grandchildren, and a great life, and the end of the wicked system never came...'.
Very, very happy to hear that !!!
on their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
Johann Strauss, the “waltz king,” was idolized by many in the late nineteenth century, even as many idolized Frank Sinatra some sixty years later. In more recent times Elvis Presley was the idol of myriads of young women, and still more recently the Beatles became such, as well as their imitators.
Strauss, Sinatra and Presley?
Strauss, Sinatra and Presley?
on their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
"...we are family..."
"...let's rock..."
hello everyone!just a little background info, i haven't been to a meeting in over a year.
my wife has asked me to go with her tonight to help watch our son since it's the circuit overseers wife wants to be able to pay attention and get something out of the meeting since our son is 1yr old he can be a handful some times.. a few things of note about the situation:.
- i'm going to the meeting no matter what.
Try a Bill Murray.
"...We've missed you..."
[Take their hand].
"..I have misssseeeddd you ssssoooo much..."
[Keep holding their hand]
"... Is there someplace we could go?...]